
Get to Know the Several Types of Fermentation

Hello lovely people! Do some of you love sauerkraut and kimchi? How about sourdough bread or apple cider vinegar? If so, you have fermentation to thank! Fermentation is a process that uses bacteria or yeast to break down carbohydrates into alcohol or acids. There are many different types of fermentation, each with its own unique […]

Confused About What Prebiotics And Probiotics Are?

Do you ever wonder about the difference between prebiotics and probiotics? Do you get confused about what they are or need to figure out how they work together to support your health? If so, don’t worry! You’re not alone. Prebiotics and probiotics are often confused with one another, but understanding the differences can help you […]

Difference Between Processed And Ultra-Processed Foods

Processed And Ultra-Processed Foods

We all know eating healthy is important, but do we all understand the difference between processed and ultra-processed foods? It’s more than just listening to your body; it’s about understanding what goes into different types of food. In this blog post, we will focus on the differences between processed and ultra-processed foods so you can […]

Confused About What Prebiotics And Probiotics Are? Let’s Clarify It!

Do you ever wonder about the difference between prebiotics and probiotics? Do you get confused about what they are or need to figure out how they work together to support your health? If so, don’t worry! You’re not alone. Prebiotics and probiotics are often confused with one another, but understanding the differences can help you […]

Why Diets Don’t Work On The Long Run?

why diet don't work

Are you fed up with diets that work for a little while and backfire on you by having your weight creep back up or even surpass the starting point? You are not alone. Research shows that 95% of those who follow a diet to lose weight actually gain it all back within one year, and […]

Replacing Cow’s Milk With Plant-based Milk (Make Sure You Check Their Nutrient Content

Hello my lovely people! Plant-based milk is a great option if you’re looking to switch up your daily routine. With the dietary restrictions of many people in mind and growing environmental concerns related to animal agriculture, it’s no surprise that vegan alternatives are becoming increasingly popular. Whether you’re lactose intolerant, vegan, or just curious about […]

Weird Flavor Combinations That Actually Work

Hello lovely people! The first time I’ve seen wasabi with white chocolate macaroons I thought they would taste awful. But I am a curious person and had to give it a try. I am glad I did! I really enjoyed them. It is still not my favorite flavor but it is an interesting option, when […]